Wednesday, March 14, 2018

March 14, 2018

Dear Parents,

     We were welcomed with the principal, staff and students this morning at Simon Fraser School.  The students enjoyed the performance and connected with the characters from Alice and Wonderland. The school had all our student names posted around the gym which made us feel the warmth.  Feel free to ask your child about this tonight.


    In humanities we have been looking at how the indigenous people use their land in a sustainable way.  The students will be writing a 5 paragraph persuasive essay next week. We have looked closely at the transportation, food, clothing, shelter, art (petroglyphs and pictographs), storytelling and the Bison as a sacred animal. Please have conversations with your child over the next few days.

Important Information:

  • Home reading as usual.  
  • Our next field trip will be on April 17 and our class is still looking for volunteers.  Please let me know if you can volunteer for a half day during the morning.


Mrs. Sayani


Wednesday, March 7, 2018

March 7, 2018

Dear Parents,

The students have been learning about an artist named Jackson Pollock. They have painted their own masterpieces`using his style of abstract painting.  Feel free to ask your child about this tonight.

The students were excited to begin our inline skating program today. Tomorrow we are going on our tour to Simon Fraser. The bus will depart promptly at 11:30 a.m.  Please kindly send your child with a couple of snacks or a light lunch as a hotdog lunch is going to be provided by the school at noon.

Just a friendly reminder that the school is hosting a parent night tomorrow as well at 6:30 p.m.

Have a wonderful evening!  Please read for 20 minutes and practise adding and subtracting decimals on IXL.

Mrs. Sayani