Monday, December 18, 2017

December 18, 2017

Dear Parents,

Tis the Season! We had an amazing community building activity with our grade 4 team.  The students are involved in various centres designing a holiday gift for your family.  They are excited and doing a fantastic job. Please DO NOT ASK your child about this as it is a surprise.

Our class has been working on an opinion writing piece based on the residential schools that existed long ago in Alberta. They are learning how to write using a thesis statement, reasons with evidence and a conclusion.  They are organizing their work with the use of paragraphs.  We are looking forward to sharing this work with you in January during the student led conferences.

Our winter celebrations have begun.  Here is a glimpse of one of today’s performances:

Our class will be performing on Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 p.m. All parents are welcome to attend.

Important Information:
  • Holiday hat day tomorrow!
    • Report Cards come home
    • Please return envelopes back to school
    • If your child is on an IPP, please sign the signature sheet and return it school the next day.
  • Pajama day - Wednesday Dec 20
  • Candy cane day - Dec 21
  • Early dismissal on Dec 21 @ noon.  Please send your child to school with a snack and lunch.



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