Friday, December 8, 2017

December 8, 2017

Dear Parents,

Another great week of learning… The students spent time with their Kinder Buddies from Ms. Steckley’s class. They helped them fill out a survey about themselves and read books together. It is amazing to see the leadership within our Grade 4 students.

Important Information:

  • The grade 4 team is in need of small glass jars ( baby food jar) for a project.  If you have any that you can send to school then please kindly do so by next Friday.
  • Home Reading daily - Please remember that the book your child reads can be from our classroom, learning commons or a book of choice from home. I am awaiting time trees for our math activity.
  • Our Learning Commons time is every Monday @9:50 a.m.. Please kindly return all books by Monday December 15.

Have an awesome weekend!


Mrs. Sayani

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