Tuesday, October 3, 2017

October 3, 2017

Dear Parents,

We are having amazing conversations around a novel titled:”Fatty Legs” in humanities. By using Edward de Bono’s “6 Thinking Hats”, the students are learning about their thinking and decision making.
Your child had the opportunity to work collaboratively in a group and put themselves in the shoes of a character from the novel and critically think about their perspective based on these hats.

In science we are looking at how to reduce waste.  Feel free to ask your child about this tonight.

In Math, the students are reviewing mental math strategies to help them problem solve efficiently.  We have looked at counting on, counting back and doubles.

Important Information:

  • Your child will bring their home reading book home.  Please read the letter and ensure that they read for 20 minutes daily.

Have a great evening,

Mrs. Sayani

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