Tuesday, October 10, 2017

October 10, 2017

Dear Parents,

This week the students were excited being “Buddies” with our Kindergarten class. The grade 4 students taught them how to take photographs on Ipads.  They were looking at shapes around our school. Feel free to ask your child about what their buddy’s name is.

In math we are continuing to look at mental math strategies to help us solve mathematical problems efficiently. Ask your child about doubles, counting on , counting back and turnarounds. We are also looking at rounding numbers to the nearest 10’s and 100’s.

We began a design thinking project with Mrs. Hargreaves grade 4 class. After collecting wrappers during recess, the students discussed “one use plastic” and how it is detrimental to our world. They discussed the impact it has on our environment and humans and are now  ideating and designing packaging that is biodegradable.

Important Information:

Fun lunch is on Friday for those who have ordered.  If you have not ordered then your child may eat their lunch.
Jacket Racket is a volunteer organization with the goal of ensuring that every child from Kindergarten to Grade 12 has a warm winter coat to wear to school. 90% of donations come from schools. The jackets are then distributed to children in schools where there is a need. This year we are inviting our students and parents to participate in a coat drive for Jacket Racket.  They accept gently used warm winter coats, snow pants, hats and mittens for all ages. Often whole families are outfitted, so any size is welcome.
A box will be set up in the Embassy for collection from October 10, 2017 to October 24, 2017
We encourage you to generously support this worthy project.
It is a great opportunity to help students who may be less fortunate.


Thank you for your support.
Student Leadership Group and Mrs. Fraser

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