Thursday, January 11, 2018

January 11, 2018

Dear Parents,

Welcome Back from the break. The students have settled back into our routines nicely and are engaging in their learning. This week we are completing our essay writing on the novel “Fatty Legs”. The students will share these with you during our upcoming student led conferences at the end of the month. All students are following a rubric for success in their writing.

In math we have been practising both multiplication and division facts. Please remind your child to use the IXL website during their free time at home. Another great site that includes videos on how to solve equations step by step is by Khan academy. This is a free website:

Important Information:

The grade 4 team will be building their simple machines next week on Tuesday and Thursday. Your child has ideated using the design thinking approach. Their ideation includes a diagram, labels and materials required to build it. We will be using the maker cart, however, if your child has recycled items or objects at home that would benefit their project, please kindly send them to school. They will be able to bring the materials back home after their project is complete.

  • Home Reading daily - Please remember that the book your child reads can be from our classroom, learning commons or a book of choice from home. I am awaiting time trees for our math activity. 
  • Our Learning Commons time is every Monday @9:50 a.m.. Please kindly return all books on Monday’s. 
  • Popcorn day is on January 17 and 18. If your child would like participate then send a toonie with him/her to school. 
  • Fun Lunch is on Friday January 19, 2018. 


Mrs. Sayani

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