Monday, April 30, 2018

April 30, 2018

Dear Parents,

The grade four students were given an amazing opportunity to make drums with Darcy and Frank Turning Robe today.  We learned that drums provide a way of healing to the indigenous people. All the materials used are from mother nature such as elk hide and white cedar wood. We hope you engage in a conversation with your child about the experience they had today.

Important Information:

  • May 2 - Grade 4 field trip to Harmony
  • May 17 - Scientist at school in the p.m. from 11:40 - 2:20. We are still need of two volunteers for this in school program. Please email me if you are interested at
  • May 23 - Field trip to Glenbow Ranch - This trip is an ALL day trip and we are need of 1 more volunteer.
  • Read for 15 minutes, practice IXL for 15 minutes.
Enjoy your evening!


Friday, April 20, 2018

April 20, 2018

Dear Parents,

Thank you for coming out to our student led conferences. It was great seeing the students engaged in math games, reading, exploring with light and shadows and sharing some of their reading as well as essays with their parents.

Important Information:
  • Our Field trip to Harmony has been rescheduled for May 2, 2018.
  • We will be going on another field trip on May 23 to Glenbow Ranch. This will be a full day field trip and volunteers are needed. I f you are able to volunteer on this day, please kindly let me know by emailing me at
  • Popcorn Day will be held on April 25 and 26 during the lunch hour. The cost of a bag is a toonie. Please send it with your child if they wish to purchase it.

Enjoy the sunshine with your families and have a wonderful weekend!

Ms. Sayani

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

April 17, 2018

Dear Parents,

The students are working hard to prepare for our "Student Led Conferences" to be held on the evening of April 19 and morning of April 20, 2018.  Please sign up for this if you haven't already done so. It is an important time for your child to share his/her work with you and celebrate their successes together.

Our Field Trip to Harmony will be rescheduled for early May.  You will be notified with the new date as soon as it is confirmed. 

Important Information:
  • No School on Friday due to Student Led Conferences
  • Please read for 15 minutes and practise your multiplication facts on IXL for 15 minutes each day.
  • According to CBE policy, grade 4-6 should be doing a half hour of homework per day.

We were fortunate to have an indigenous knowledge keeper come to our school and share some insight about the "Blackfoot". He brought in a special drum and sang songs about his culture. Each student was given the opportunity to try out the drum.

Have a great evening!

Ms. Sayani

Friday, April 6, 2018

April 6, 2018

Dear Parents,

The students are learning about Light and Shadows in Science and connecting it to math. They found  a spot in the the embassy where the sun shines bright to capture their shadows. They used rulers and meter sticks to measure in centimeters and meters.  Feel free to ask them about their shadows.

The grade four students had a special guest speaker from Harmony come out to present the planning and development of the land. We are excited to visit on April 17, 2018.

Important Information:
  • Simon Fraser band - Monday April 9 at 1:45 p.m.
  • Harmony field trip - Tuesday April 17 - A.M.
  • Home Reading - 15 minutes a day
  • IXL - practise perimeter for 15 minutes

Have  a great weekend!

Mrs. Sayani