Monday, June 25, 2018

June 25, 2018

Dear Parents,

Thank you for attending our "Grade 4 send on assembly". The students were excited to share their learning with you.  Here are some photographs of the art work of the students most memorable learning experiences.

Our class spent some time reflecting about the assembly...

We will be going on a community walk tomorrow at 8:45  - 10:15 a.m. We will be looking at the plant, growth change and compare it to our last walk from a few months ago. If you have volunteer clearance and would like to join us, feel free to do so.

Our last day of school is on Wednesday June 27. It is a half day and students will be dismissed at noon.

Enjoy the evening!

Ms. Sayani

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

June 5, 2018

Dear Parents,

The students did a fabulous job on presenting their Google Slide show to the class. Feel free to ask your child about his or her Maverick this evening.

In math the students have been focusing on fractions and converting fractions to decimals as well as adding and subtracting 4 digit decimals.

Important Information:

  • Swimming begins on June 11
  • if you are able to volunteer for a hour at the pool in the changing rooms, please let me know the dates through email:
  • The dates for swimming are June 11, 12, 13, 14, 18 and 19 at 10:20 - 11:20 a.m.Students will need help in the change rooms to ensure that they are quick, respectful and efficient.
  • Practice IXL math for 15 minutes and read for 15 minutes daily.

Our year farewell assembly for the grade 4 students will be held on June 22 at 8:30 a.m. Please mark your calendars!!!!

Have a great evening!

Ms. Sayani

Friday, May 18, 2018

May 18, 2018

Dear Parents,

We had a great week of learning. The students engaged in the Scientist at School program learning about plants, photosynthesis and growth change. They were given the opportunity to dissect an alstomaria plant and make paper out of recycled newspaper, wildflower seeds and flower petals. We will be sharing this with you later next week. The students also looked closely at parsley and how it changed when CO2 was added to it in comparison to natural light. Please ask your child about this over the long weekend.

The grade 4 team will be going on a field trip to Glenbow Ranch on Wednesday May 23. This is a FULL DAY field trip and will be outdoors. The weather is anticipated to be HOT and the students will be hiking. It is important for them to bring plenty of water, snacks and a nutritious lunch. They should be dressed in cool clothing, hat, sunscreen and insect repellent if you wish. ALL FORMS MUST BE RETURNED TO SCHOOL BY TUESDAY FOR YOUR CHILD TO GO.

Important Information:
Read for 15 minutes
Practice IXL for 15 minutes

Have a fantastic long weekend with your families!

Ms. Sayani

Monday, May 14, 2018

May 14, 2018

Dear Parents,

The students have been working on writing biographies in Humanities. They are working on a research project about a Maverick from Alberta. They need to include three sections in their project; early life, achievements and accomplishments and what made them a maverick.  Please ask your child about this project.

We are having a special program at our school on Thursday aftrnoon called " Scientist at School". This is a thourough program about plants and plant growth change. We are still in need of 1 parent who could help out in the afternoon from 11:40 - 2:20. Please kindly email me if you are able to do this.

We are wrapping up our learning on Light and Shadows this week. Students will be writing a quiz on Wednesday afternoon. Please have them review the study guide that will be emailed to them tomorrrow.

Important Information:
  • Scientist At School on Thursday May 17 p.m.
  • PD day on Friday May 18 - NO SCHOOL
  • Victoria Day on May 23 - NO SCHOOL
  • Read for 15-20 minutes daily
  • Practise IXL for 15-20 minutes daily

Enjoy the sunshine!

Ms. Sayani

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

May 1, 2018

Dear Parents,

The grade four students were given an amazing opportunity to make drums with Darcy and Frank Turning Robe yesterday.  We learned that drums provide a way of healing to the indigenous people. All the materials used are from mother nature such as elk hide and white cedar wood. We hope you engage in a conversation with your child about the experience they had yesterday.

  • Important Information:
  • Tomorrow is our field trip to Harmony. Please ensure that your child is dressed properly for the outdoors: sneakers, pants, hat, sunscreen and water bottle. Also, please pack a nutritious lunch and snack.
  • May 17 - Scientist at school in the p.m. from 11:40 - 2:20. We are still need of two volunteers for this in school program. Please email me if you are interested at

  • May 23 - Field trip to Glenbow Ranch - This trip is an ALL day trip and we are need of 1 more volunteer.
  • Read for 15 minutes, practice IXL for 15 minutes.
Enjoy your evening!


Monday, April 30, 2018

April 30, 2018

Dear Parents,

The grade four students were given an amazing opportunity to make drums with Darcy and Frank Turning Robe today.  We learned that drums provide a way of healing to the indigenous people. All the materials used are from mother nature such as elk hide and white cedar wood. We hope you engage in a conversation with your child about the experience they had today.

Important Information:

  • May 2 - Grade 4 field trip to Harmony
  • May 17 - Scientist at school in the p.m. from 11:40 - 2:20. We are still need of two volunteers for this in school program. Please email me if you are interested at
  • May 23 - Field trip to Glenbow Ranch - This trip is an ALL day trip and we are need of 1 more volunteer.
  • Read for 15 minutes, practice IXL for 15 minutes.
Enjoy your evening!
