Monday, May 14, 2018

May 14, 2018

Dear Parents,

The students have been working on writing biographies in Humanities. They are working on a research project about a Maverick from Alberta. They need to include three sections in their project; early life, achievements and accomplishments and what made them a maverick.  Please ask your child about this project.

We are having a special program at our school on Thursday aftrnoon called " Scientist at School". This is a thourough program about plants and plant growth change. We are still in need of 1 parent who could help out in the afternoon from 11:40 - 2:20. Please kindly email me if you are able to do this.

We are wrapping up our learning on Light and Shadows this week. Students will be writing a quiz on Wednesday afternoon. Please have them review the study guide that will be emailed to them tomorrrow.

Important Information:
  • Scientist At School on Thursday May 17 p.m.
  • PD day on Friday May 18 - NO SCHOOL
  • Victoria Day on May 23 - NO SCHOOL
  • Read for 15-20 minutes daily
  • Practise IXL for 15-20 minutes daily

Enjoy the sunshine!

Ms. Sayani

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