Wednesday, September 20, 2017

September 20, 2017

Dear Parents,

The students have been busy constructing a tree from our natural environment. Please take a moment to stop by our bulletin board during the parent/teacher conferences and ask your child to share the story of our tree.

I am looking forward to meeting you all tomorrow evening and Friday morning.  Please kindly book a conference with me if you haven’t already done so.

During Literacy, the students selected a book that is at their reading level from our “Ladders” series.  Ask your child about the nonfiction book that they are reading and writing a summary about in their response journals.

In Math, the students have  been working on an assessment.  This will tell me more about your child and his/her areas of strengths and areas of growth in particular strands of the grade 4 math curriculum.

Important Information:
  • If you have flowers in your garden that you wouldn’t mind sending for an art project, it would be much appreciated if you could send them to school on Thursday Sept 20 or Tuesday Sept 26.  Your child will be using these flowers for an art project.
  • The book fair is here!  Your child had the opportunity to visit the book fair with his/her class.  They may have a wish list… You are welcome to send money to school tomorrow or take them to the Learning Commons during the parent/teacher conferences.

Have a great evening,

Mrs. Sayani

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