Friday, October 27, 2017

October 27, 2017

Dear Parents,

Today we participated as a school in the Earth Rangers program. The students learned about various animals and their habitat.  The grade fours were given the opportunity to participate in a program connected to our science study about “Waste in our World”. Feel free to ask your child about this over the weekend.

In Math the students are working on various math centers that are based on the different strands; for example, number sense, problem solving, place value and fractions. They are exploring various centers and are engaged and learning!

In Science, most students videotaped their biodegradable package with their group using the iPads. They tested a snack for it’s stress, durability, and stability. Other students are still working on finishing their product prior to testing it.  We look forward to working with Mrs. Hargreaves’ class next week on this design thinking project.

Important Information:

  • The grade 4’s are thinking of going on a community walk on Thursday November 2. Our class is in need of 1 or 2 volunteers.  We would depart from our school at around 9:30 a.m. and return by 10:45.  If you are able to volunteer, please kindly let me know by email as soon as possible.

  • Home Reading daily
  • Return home reading books every Monday!
  • Learning Commons is every Monday at 9:50 a.m. This is a great opportunity for your child to sign out a book from the learning commons.  This book can be used for home reading.


Mrs. Sayani

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