Thursday, November 23, 2017

November 23, 2017

Dear Parents,

We have had a great few days of learning.  The students are engaged in a science topic about “Wheel and Levers”. They are showing their learning by ideating (the idea stage of design thinking), about simple machines that use pulley, levers and wheels. We worked in the makerspace this afternoon and here are some of the ideas…

During math, we discussed all the ways that measurement is used as well as the various tools.  Feel free to ask your child about this tonight.

Important Information:
  • Tomorrow is Flex Friday at Ken Taylor school.  The students will be put into flexible groups with a different teacher.  We will be looking at the work of Wassily Kandinsky who was a famous artist known for his abstract art and circles.

  • Home Reading daily - Please remember that the book your child reads can be from our classroom, learning commons or a book of choice from home. I am awaiting time trees for our math activity.


Mrs. Sayani

Friday, November 17, 2017

Nov 17, 2017

Dear Parents,

This week at school the students completed a Google form about specific science vocabulary that we have been learning about.  They were thrilled to do this using technology, however, there were some students who opted to use a written form. We will be moving on to learning about levers and pulleys as well as simple machines in science and connecting it to our makerspace.

During math, we looked at a rectangular prism and the students had a task and it was to create as many rectangular shapes using 18 small squares.  Look at the variations we came up with!

Our virtual field trip was a huge success.  Please feel free to ask your child about this tonight.

Important Information:

  • Children's Day is a day recognised to celebrate children. The day is celebrated on various calendar dates in different countries. We will be celebrating this day on November 20, 2017. All students are requested to wear something blue.  
  • Below are links about this day.

  • Home Reading daily - Please remember that the book your child reads can be from our classroom, learning commons or a book of choice from home. I am awaiting time trees for our math activity.


Mrs. Sayani

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Nov 14, 2017

Dear Parents,

In Science, the students have been reviewing the science vocabulary based on “Waste in our World”.  We brainstormed specific definitions, examples and implications together and I have shared it with them on google docs.  They spent time studying with a partner today.  Feel free to discuss these words with your child prior to Thursday.


Important Information:

  • There will be a virtual field trip in our classroom called “Secrets of the Lost Querey “ tomorrow morning.
  • Home Reading daily - Please remember that the book your child reads can be from our classroom, learning commons or a book of choice from home. I am awaiting time trees for our math activity.


Mrs. Sayani

Thursday, November 9, 2017

November 9, 2017

Dear Parents,

In science, the students looked at our decomposition experiment. They sketched, described and made inferences about the pumpkins. Feel free to ask your child about this tonight.
In math the students are looking at various units of measurement. Each student selected 4 objects and measured the length in cm, width in cm, height in cm and weight in grams using a scale today. We will be looking at other units in the days to come.

Important Information:

  • There will be a school wide assembly tomorrow at 10:30 a.m.  parents are welcome to attend!
  • Home Reading daily - Please remember that the book your child reads can be from our classroom, learning commons or a book of choice from home. I am awaiting time trees for our math activity.


Mrs. Sayani

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

November 2, 2017

Dear Parents,

The students are writing a persuasive writing assignment about a pumpkin.They are convincing me on why no one should choose them as their pumpkin.  Feel free to ask your child about this tonight.  Here is a sample of one that is complete:

 One cold, brisk, sunny morning, I peacefully sat on a field of pumpkins near the Symons Valley Ranch. I sat up straight, feeling the freezing cold breeze against my skin. My bottom felt the tickly grass blowing against me. I saw a hole bunch of pumpkins getting picked up. For these few days I was petrified.
 Soon I felt steps through the ground… I saw people walking towards me… I was so scared. Oh, phew it was just the pumpkin beside me. I felt more footsteps. Except this time, the footsteps were coming for me! The first thought that shot to my guts was ”don’t choose ME!” Why me? First of all I am too big. It would be hard to get all of my guts out and I will block your porch and no one will be able to get to your door. Second of all I am scratched and I am NOT pretty.! Also every one would see me and make fun of you for your bad pumpkin. Last of all when you go to carve me you will get messy. You could stain your clothes and you would be the person with the stained shirt. You could spill on the table or the floor and it would be a big mess to clean up!

 Indeed you should NOT choose me because I am too big, I am scratched and you will get messy.

By: Sadie  

In math the students are working on solving subtraction equations using the mental math strategies counting back and thinking addition for subtraction.  Many students are using a number line to help them solve these problems.

Important Information:

  • The grade 4’s are going on a community walk on Thursday November 2. Please review the email that was sent out yesterday regarding wearing appropriate clothing as we will be outdoors for an hour.
  • Home Reading daily
  • Return home reading books every Monday!


Mrs. Sayani