Thursday, November 23, 2017

November 23, 2017

Dear Parents,

We have had a great few days of learning.  The students are engaged in a science topic about “Wheel and Levers”. They are showing their learning by ideating (the idea stage of design thinking), about simple machines that use pulley, levers and wheels. We worked in the makerspace this afternoon and here are some of the ideas…

During math, we discussed all the ways that measurement is used as well as the various tools.  Feel free to ask your child about this tonight.

Important Information:
  • Tomorrow is Flex Friday at Ken Taylor school.  The students will be put into flexible groups with a different teacher.  We will be looking at the work of Wassily Kandinsky who was a famous artist known for his abstract art and circles.

  • Home Reading daily - Please remember that the book your child reads can be from our classroom, learning commons or a book of choice from home. I am awaiting time trees for our math activity.


Mrs. Sayani

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