Monday, February 26, 2018

Dear Parents,

     Today in Science we explored with the "Makedo" kits. This is a construction system for the 21st century learner. We looked at the screws, screwdrivers,  saws and other plastic tools to ideate about our vehicles. The students are excited to create machines or vehicles that move using cardboard and the makedo kits in the days ahead.

      The students worked through solving subtraction equations using decimals.  We learned that we need some more practise subtracting using regrouping.  Please practise these skills using IXL at home. See example:

0.67 - 0.59                    0.67

Important Information:
  • There is an important notice coming home about our visit to Simon Fraser School on March 8.  Please sign the forms and return them back to school promptly.
  • Our first field trip will be to Harmony Ridge on April 17.  Our class will need 3 parent volunteers to accompany us.  Please send me an email if you are able to do this.
  • Parent council fundraiser comes home on Wednesday
  • Popcorn day on Tuesday and Wednesday... the cost is $2.

Have a great week!


Mrs. Sayani

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